Vehicles, including pickups and box trucks, over 35 trailers, snorkel lifts, electric- and gas-powered welders, forklifts, material handling equipment, transits, rigging equipment, and assorted tools and shop equipment. Significant scrap opportunity for interested buyers!
In partnership with The Branford Group
Vehicles, including pickups and box trucks, over 35 trailers, snorkel lifts, electric- and gas-powered welders, forklifts, material handling equipment, transits, rigging equipment, and assorted tools and shop equipment. Significant scrap opportunity for interested buyers!
In partnership with The Branford Group
Vehicles, including pickups and box trucks, over 35 trailers, snorkel lifts, electric- and gas-powered welders, forklifts, material handling equipment, transits, rigging equipment, and assorted tools and shop equipment. Significant scrap opportunity for interested buyers!
In partnership with The Branford Group
Vehicles, including pickups and box trucks, over 35 trailers, snorkel lifts, electric- and gas-powered welders, forklifts, material handling equipment, transits, rigging equipment, and assorted tools and shop equipment. Significant scrap opportunity for interested buyers!
In partnership with The Branford Group
July 17, 2018
Kenosha, Wisconsin
July 17, 2018
Kenosha, Wisconsin
July 17, 2018
Kenosha, Wisconsin
July 17, 2018
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Industrial Auctions | Retail Advisory and Liquidations | Inventory Management Services
Machinery & Equipment and Inventory Appraisals | Reverse Logistics
For Sale
Seven (7) Separate Oil, Gas, and Other Mineral Interests in North Dakota

Sale Overview
Seven (7) Separate Oil, Gas, and Other Mineral Interests located in North Dakota. Current Operators include XTO Energy, Murex Petroleum, and Oasis Petroleum
Sale conducted by HyperAMS, LLC on behalf of Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota, By order of U.S. Bankruptcy Court, District of North Dakota (Fargo), Petition 21-30203
An APA has been executed with a Stalking Horse. Qualified bids must exceed the Stalking Horse purchase amount plus the Break Up Fee.
Divide County: Four (4) Parcels
Burke County: One (1) Parcel
McKenzie County: One (1) Parcel
Billings County: One (1) Parcel
Qualified Bid Submission: December 15, 2021
Auction: December 16, 2021
Transaction Closing As Soon as Possible after Sale Approval Hearing
Sale Contact:
For questions regarding this sale, please contact Chief Operating and Financial Officer Bob Pabst at (847) 499-7023 or
Mineral Interest Details
During its numerous years of operation, LSS acquired seven (7) separate oil, gas, and other mineral interests located in North Dakota (together, the “Mineral Interests”).
1. On or around July 5, 1966, LSS acquired a 10% property interest (or 4 acres of property) in Divide County, North Dakota, from the estate of Ed Ellefson described as:
An undivided one-fourth (1/4) right, title and interest in and to the oil, gas and other minerals in and under and that may be produced from the Northeast Quarter (NE ¼) of Section Twenty-Nine (29), in Township One Hundred Sixty-three (163) North, of Range One Hundred One (101), West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Divide County, North Dakota.
After receiving this interest, LSS began leasing the interest to Plains Oil & Gas, Inc., on August 20, 1982, receiving $200 per acre for the first year and $1 per acre for the following 4 years with a 1/6 royalty. No current lease or other agreement for Mineral Interests have been identified.
2. On or around July 5, 1966, LSS acquired an additional 10% (or 12 acres in property) from the estate of Ed Ellefson described as:
An undivided three-fourths (3/4) right, title and interest in and to the oil, gas and other minerals in and under and that may be produced from the Northeast Quarter (NE ¼) of Section Thirty-two (32), in Township One Hundred Sixty-three (163) North, of Range One Hundred One (101), West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Divide County, North Dakota.
LSS originally leased this interest to Louisiana Land and Exploration Co. on August 17, 1982, for 5 years, receiving $250 per acre for the first year and $1 per acre for the following 4 years with a 1/6 royalty. LSS later leased this interest to LoneTree Energy & Associates LLC on February 5, 2005, in exchange for $50 per net acres for 3 years and a 1/6 royalty, along with an option to extend the lease for an additional 2 years for the additional consideration of $10 per net acre. No current lease or other agreement for Mineral Interests have been identified.
3. On or around July 5, 1966, LSS acquired an additional 10% (or 19.99 acres in property) from the estate of Ed Ellefson described as:
All the oil, gas and other minerals in and under and that may be produced from the South Half of the Northwest Quarter (S1/2 NW1/4), Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW1/4 NE 1/4), Lots Two (2) and Three (3), ALL in Section Five (5), Township One Hundred Sixty-one (161) North, of Range One Hundred One (101), West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Divide County, North Dakota.
LSS thereafter leased this interest to Atlantic Richfield Co. on February 13, 1985, for a five-year term, receiving in exchange $115 per acre for the first year and $1 per acre for the following 4 years with a 15% royalty. LSS currently leases this interest to B.J. Kadrmas, Inc.; in exchange for this interest, LSS receives one-eighth (1/8) of the gross proceeds each year, payable quarterly, for the gas from each well where gas only is found, while the same is being used off the premises, and if used in the manufacture of gasoline a royalty of one-eighth (1/8), payable monthly at the prevailing market rate for gas.
4. On or around July 5, 1966, LSS acquired an additional 7.5% interest in property from the estate of Ed Ellefson described as:
An undivided three-fourth (3/4) right, title and interest in and to all the oil, gas and other minerals in and under and that may be produced from the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE1/4 SW1/4), the North Half of the Southeast Quarter (N1/2 SE1/4) and the Southwest quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW1/4 SE1/4) of Section Twenty-four (24) in Township One Hundred Sixty-two (162) North, of Range One Hundred Two (102), West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Divide County, North Dakota.
No current lease or other agreement for Mineral Interests have been identified.
5. In 1966, LSS acquired an interest in 120 acres of property from the estate of Goro Ronning described as:
An undivided one-third (1/3) right, title and interest in and to the oil, gas and other minerals lying under the NE 1/4 of Section 7; NE 1/4 SE 1/4 NW 1/4 SE 1/4 S 1/2 SE 1/4 of Section 19; NE 1/4 NE 1/4 of Section 30, all in Township One Hundred Sixty-one (161) North, Range 92 West, Burke County, North Dakota.
LSS originally leased this interest to Empire Oil Company on January 21, 2005, for a five-year term in exchange for $40 per net acre and a 15% royalty. Later, on April 1, 2005, LSS filed a Statement of Mineral Claim for Section 19 and Section 30. LSS currently leases this interest to Sundance Oil & Gas, Inc.; in exchange for this interest, LSS receives one-sixth (1/6) of the gross proceeds each year, payable quarterly, for the gas from each well where gas only is found, while the same is being used off the premises, and if used in the manufacture of gasoline a royalty of one-sixth (1/6), payable monthly at the prevailing market rate for gas.
6. On or around June 27, 1994, LSS acquired an additional 1/64 interest in 320 acres of property (5 acres) from the Alta E. Bjornseth Trust described as:
An undivided One sixty-fourth (1/64) interest in and to all of the oil, gas, casinghead gas, casinghead gasoline and other minerals in and under and that may be produced from the following described lands situated in Billings County, State of North Dakota, to wit:
Township 143 North, Range 98 West
Section 2: SE1/4
Section 12: NW1/4
LSS leased this interest to Empire Oil Co. on February 17, 1887 for a five-year term in exchange for a 1/6 royalty. No current lease or other agreement for Mineral Interests have been identified.
7. In 2005 LSS acquired a 1/5 (20%) (or 5 acres in property) from the estate of Esther J. Adams described as:
Township 150 North, Range 98 West
Section 15: SW 1/4
Section 21: NE 1/4
Section 22: NE 1/4.
LSS leased this interest to Powers Energy Corp. on July 7, 2005, in exchange for a 1/5 royalty. LSS currently leases this interest to Powers Energy Corporation; in exchange for this interest, LSS receives 17% royalty.